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MedComms Webinar

Healthcare speaks many languages: the role and impact of MedComms content in translation

At the end of May 2023, The Word Desk founder Dr Helen Williams was delighted to join this lively panel discussion on improving health outcomes through inclusivity in MedComms language solutions.

Effective communication is essential to healthcare delivery, but language barriers can significantly impact quality and cost of care. To help address this challenge, medical communications materials in translation promote engagement and outcomes for stakeholders across the healthcare ecosystem. Multilingual content is a demonstration of equity and inclusion in healthcare, as part of an omnichannel medical communications strategy.

We agreed that having language experts at the table early on in MedComms content design, writing and creation will facilitate translations further down the line, just as keeping apace with technology (combined with human insight) will also help not hinder.

Making time for inclusive and thoughtful translations changes everything. It helps patient and caregiver understanding, facilitates research collaboration, promotes diversity in research and reduces health disparity. It can help with global reach of materials and marketing success. For improved adherence, better health outcomes, and giving patients a role in their own healthcare, robust but also welcoming, sensitive and culturally-adapted translations are mission critical.

Yes, there are challenges. To name but a few:

-budget (but as somebody commented, better that translation is an ongoing investment than a last-minute risk-prone crunch with expedited fees!)


-regulatory hurdles

-taboo and sensitive content

-literacy levels to navigate

-cultural nuances to think about

-technical complexity of terminology

How can we move forward? Keep idea-sharing, keep discussing. Make space at the table early on in programme design for language programme management experts and linguists.

It was wonderful to collaborate with Carrie Brubaker PhD, Independent Consultant in Medical Affairs and Communications, and Amanda Ryan, President of G3 Life Sciences. We thank Peter Llewellyn for the invitation to participate.


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